Few of us are excited about the topic of humility. Yet it’s a prerequisite to salvation and answered prayer. It brings God’s blessings and harmony to our relationships. And it’s a Christlike quality we are called to reflect to the world.
In this four-part series, Dr. Stanley helps us learn how to develop and walk daily in an attitude of humility and total submission to our Lord Jesus Christ. This mindset puts Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last.
Focusing on God’s grace, goodness, love, and mercy can’t help but turn us away from pride and toward gratitude. As He becomes bigger in your eyes, you will delight in the safety and security of belonging to such a great and loving heavenly Father. And you will exhibit some of Jesus’ most compelling qualities when you seek to be as He described Himself, “gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29).
This series includes the messages:
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